DoctorTool HIS

Always Connected to SATUSEHAT.

Seamlessly Integrated with BPJS Kesehatan Platforms
(P-Care & V-Claim).

Supports Digital Signatures.

Why DoctorTool?

1_Fitur Lengkap

Comprehensive Features

Complete modules to support all clinic operational needs.

4_Update Aplikasi Gratis

Free App Updates

Regular updates tailored to healthcare facility needs and compliance with Ministry of Health and BPJS regulations.

2_Dukungan Teknologi Canggih

Cutting-Edge Technology Support

Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance healthcare services.



Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance healthcare services.

3_Layanan Helpdesk 24 Jam

Layanan Helpdesk 24 Jam

A dedicated helpdesk team ready to respond quickly via voice calls, video calls, and chat.

6_Keamanan Tinggi

Enhanced Security

DoctorTool employs advanced technology to safeguard patient data from breaches.

What They Say About DoctorTool?

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DoctorTool HIS

Bergabung dengan ratusan klinik lainnya di seluruh Indonesia.

Always Connected to SATUSEHAT.

Seamlessly Integrated with BPJS Kesehatan Platforms
(P-Care & V-Claim).

Supports Digital Signatures.

DoctorTool HIS

Why DoctorTool?

1_Fitur Lengkap

Comprehensive Features

4_Update Aplikasi Gratis

Free App Updates

2_Dukungan Teknologi Canggih

Cutting-Edge Technology Support



6_Keamanan Tinggi

Enhanced Security

3_Layanan Helpdesk 24 Jam

Layanan Helpdesk 24 Jam

What They Say About DoctorTool?

DoctorTool HIS

Bergabung dengan ratusan klinik lainnya di seluruh Indonesia.

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