DT Hub

DT Hub is a smart device that wirelessly connects medical examination equipment to DoctorTool's SIM Faskes.

How to Use DT Hub


Examination Process

Connects seamlessly to various medical examination devices.


Automatic Data Transfer

No need for manual recording—data is sent automatically.


Data Received by DoctorTool Hub

Securely transmitted via Bluetooth for accuracy.


Integrated with DoctorTool's Healthcare Information System (HIS)

Securely transmitted via Bluetooth for accuracy.


Data Ready for Use

Measurement results are instantly stored in SIM Faskes DoctorTool for easy access and analysis.

Devices Connected to DT Hub


Blood Pressure Monitor

Pengukur Suhu Badan


Pengukur Berat Badan

Weighing Scale

Pengukur Tinggi Badan

Height Measurement Device

Lingkar Kepala

Measuring Tape



Pengukur Gula Darah

Blood Glucose Meter

Timbangan Bayi

Baby Weight Scale

Frequently Asked Questions

Apakah DoctorTool Hub mendukung pengolahan data kesehatan secara real-time?

Ya, Ketika menggunakan DoctorTool Hub, pencatatan yang dilakukan dengan alat kesehatan akan langsung terekam dan tercatat dalam DoctorTool SaaS secara real-time

Helps healthcare professionals view and manage patient data comprehensively and efficiently, directly from a mobile device.

Saat ini, DoctorTool Hub hanya dapat terhubung dengan alat kesehatan yang telah disediakan oleh DoctorTool. Integrasi dengan alat lainnya masih dalam pengembangan.

Ya, DoctorTool Hub hanya dapat diterapkan jika fasilitas kesehatan (faskes) sudah mengimplementasikan SIM Klinik DoctorTool.

Untuk informasi harga berlangganan DoctorTool Hub, Anda dapat menghubungi kontak kami melalui:
  • Telepon: 021-2285 0767
  • WhatsApp: 0857 7778 9975

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DT Hub

DT Hub is a smart device that wirelessly connects medical examination equipment to DoctorTool's SIM Faskes.

Cara Penggunaan
DT Hub

Examination Process

Connects seamlessly to various medical examination devices.

Automatic Data Transfer

No need for manual recording—data is sent automatically.

Data Received by DoctorTool Hub

Securely transmitted via Bluetooth for accuracy.

Integrated with DoctorTool's Healthcare Information System (HIS)

Securely transmitted via Bluetooth for accuracy.

Data Ready for Use

Measurement results are instantly stored in SIM Faskes DoctorTool for easy access and analysis.

Devices Connected to DT Hub


Blood Pressure Monitor

Pengukur Suhu Badan


Pengukur Berat Badan

Weighing Scale

Pengukur Tinggi Badan

Height Measurement Device

Lingkar Kepala

Measuring Tape



Pengukur Gula Darah

Blood Glucose Meter

Timbangan Bayi

Baby Weight Scale

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Frequently Asked Questions

Apakah DoctorTool Hub mendukung pengolahan data kesehatan secara real-time?

Ya, Ketika menggunakan DoctorTool Hub, pencatatan yang dilakukan dengan alat kesehatan akan langsung terekam dan tercatat dalam DoctorTool SaaS secara real-time

Helps healthcare professionals view and manage patient data comprehensively and efficiently, directly from a mobile device.

Saat ini, DoctorTool Hub hanya dapat terhubung dengan alat kesehatan yang telah disediakan oleh DoctorTool. Integrasi dengan alat lainnya masih dalam pengembangan.

Ya, DoctorTool Hub hanya dapat diterapkan jika fasilitas kesehatan (faskes) sudah mengimplementasikan SIM Klinik DoctorTool.

Untuk informasi harga berlangganan DoctorTool Hub, Anda dapat menghubungi kontak kami melalui:
  • Telepon: 021-2285 0767
  • WhatsApp: 0857 7778 9975