EasiestMost EfficientMost CompleteRight
Choice is DoctorTool
DoctorTool is an integrated healthcare ecosystem designed to simplify medical data management in the most efficient, user-friendly, and reliable way for various types of healthcare facilities.

Since 2015, DoctorTool has been the trusted choice
for various healthcare facilities across Indonesia.

Our Solution

DoctorTool HIS
DoctorTool's SIM Faskes consists of 7 modules to manage healthcare facility operations in an integrated manner.

DT Hub
DT Hub is a smart device that wirelessly connects medical examination equipment to DoctorTool's SIM Faskes.

DT Care
A mobile application designed to help patients manage their health and consult online with doctors at healthcare facilities registered with DoctorTool.

Comprehensive Nationwide Access
Healthcare Facilities
Trained Healthcare Workers
Medical Records Data
What They Say About DoctorTool?
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Klinik Sutera Pharma GS
DoctorTool menghadirkan digitalisasi layanan kesehatan yang terintegrasi dalam satu ekosistem, memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan data kesehatan. Dengan ekosistem SIM Faskes, DT Hub berbasis IoMT, dan DT Mobile sebagai aplikasi untuk pasien, DoctorTool berkomitmen mewujudkan akses kesehatan yang mudah dan terjangkau bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.
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DoctorTool Hub: Solusi Canggih Fasilitas Kesehatan Klinik Pratama Fairy
DoctorTool menghadirkan digitalisasi layanan kesehatan yang terintegrasi dalam satu ekosistem, memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan data kesehatan. Dengan ekosistem SIM Faskes, DT Hub berbasis IoMT, dan DT Mobile sebagai aplikasi untuk pasien, DoctorTool berkomitmen mewujudkan akses kesehatan yang mudah dan terjangkau bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.

dr. Chunin Widyaningsih MKM
Primary Clinic Mulya Owner Chairman of Perklin Riau
"Since using DoctorTool, efficiency and patient care standards in our clinic have improved. Communication among healthcare professionals remains seamless, creating a more productive work environment.'

dr. Dhanasari Vidiawati MSc.CM-FM, Sp.KKLP, Subsp.COPC
Head of UPT UI Makara Satellite Clinic
"UI Makara Satellite Clinic has been using DoctorTool for a year. It serves as a registration and record-keeping application for Posbindu activities and new student health check-ups. Its EMR supports healthcare services exceptionally well as it integrates with P-Care."

dr. Susi Oktowaty, Sp.KKLP
Owner of Klinik Mitra Sehati Chairman of Asklin Bandung Regency
"The system is safe and convenient! Its user-friendly interface makes navigation easy. The features are complete and well-suited for family doctors."

dr. Hildafitri
Chairman of PKFI Bandar Lampung Branch, Chairman of PDKI Lampung Branch, Owner of Ummi HC Kedaton Clinic
"Since June 2023, we have experienced DoctorTool's team being highly responsive in addressing our concerns. Most importantly, DoctorTool listens to our feedback by providing free application updates that align with regulations and clinic needs."

dr. Ranny Rullianty
Owner of Dr. Ranny Clinic Administrator of ASKLIN South Tangerang Accreditation Surveyor
"Its features are complete and integrated with BPJS. Satisfied with the service from the DoctorTool team, who are always ready to assist clinic staff and doctors."
Schedule a Free Demo & Optimize Your Clinic!

EasiestMost EfficientMost CompleteRight
Choice is DoctorTool
DoctorTool is an integrated healthcare ecosystem designed to simplify medical data management in the most efficient, user-friendly, and reliable way for various types of healthcare facilities.

Sejak tahun 2015, DoctorTool telah menjadi pilihan terpercaya bagi berbagai fasilitas kesehatan (Faskes) di seluruh Indonesia.

Our Solution

DoctorTool HIS
DoctorTool's SIM Faskes consists of 7 modules to manage healthcare facility operations in an integrated manner.

DT Hub
DT Hub is a smart device that wirelessly connects medical examination equipment to DoctorTool's SIM Faskes.

DT Care
A mobile application designed to help patients manage their health and consult online with doctors at healthcare facilities registered with DoctorTool.
Comprehensive Nationwide Access

Healthcare Facilities
Trained Healthcare Workers
Medical Records Data
What They Say About DoctorTool?
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Cara Paling Efisien untuk Mengoperasikan Klinik - Testimoni Klinik Sutera Pharma
DoctorTool menghadirkan digitalisasi layanan kesehatan yang terintegrasi dalam satu ekosistem, memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan data kesehatan. Dengan ekosistem SIM Faskes, DT Hub berbasis IoMT, dan DT Mobile sebagai aplikasi untuk pasien, DoctorTool berkomitmen mewujudkan akses kesehatan yang mudah dan terjangkau bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.
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DoctorTool Hub: Solusi Canggih Fasilitas Kesehatan Klinik Pratama Fairy
DoctorTool menghadirkan digitalisasi layanan kesehatan yang terintegrasi dalam satu ekosistem, memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan data kesehatan. Dengan ekosistem SIM Faskes, DT Hub berbasis IoMT, dan DT Mobile sebagai aplikasi untuk pasien, DoctorTool berkomitmen mewujudkan akses kesehatan yang mudah dan terjangkau bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.

dr. Chunin Widyaningsih MKM
Primary Clinic Mulya Owner Chairman of Perklin Riau
"Since using DoctorTool, efficiency and patient care standards in our clinic have improved. Communication among healthcare professionals remains seamless, creating a more productive work environment.'

dr. Dhanasari Vidiawati MSc.CM-FM, Sp.KKLP, Subsp.COPC
Head of UPT UI Makara Satellite Clinic
"UI Makara Satellite Clinic has been using DoctorTool for a year. It serves as a registration and record-keeping application for Posbindu activities and new student health check-ups. Its EMR supports healthcare services exceptionally well as it integrates with P-Care."

dr. Susi Oktowaty, Sp.KKLP
Owner of Klinik Mitra Sehati Chairman of Asklin Bandung Regency
"The system is safe and convenient! Its user-friendly interface makes navigation easy. The features are complete and well-suited for family doctors."

dr. Hildafitri
Chairman of PKFI Bandar Lampung Branch, Chairman of PDKI Lampung Branch, Owner of Ummi HC Kedaton Clinic
"Since June 2023, we have experienced DoctorTool's team being highly responsive in addressing our concerns. Most importantly, DoctorTool listens to our feedback by providing free application updates that align with regulations and clinic needs."